Social Networking Media & Entertainment
Monday, November 30, 2009
Write a New Note In Reply to:
We Fail To TAKE ACTION, And This Is Because We Continue To COMPLAIN.
We fail to take the time out to observe or provide constructive criticism. People will always find a reason to complain and ignore the facts. Let’s reason and these are general questions; how does a complaining society affect you as an individual? Where in this world do we see people not complain about its Government and there stipulations? Are we working together or are we working against each other? What are we doing about it?
I personally think that the Parliamentary Representatives fail to educate the country (its people) on how the system works. We have so many Lawyers who choose not to make it their business to advertise and educate the public on our rights. We need to educate each other and work with each other rather than work against each other. It’s a small island and too many things are being ignored and we complain about what we choose not to do. As the old people would say, ‘All Bark but No Bite’!
Kindly rephrase; the people are a reflection of its Government.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
My Blu-Print to Happiness
Separating life and my life; meaning I have an open mind and I don’t live for today nor do I live in the past or my shadow. Not to confuse anyone or myself, but I tend to be very honest and constantly making changes of what revolves around me.
I ask myself; “if this will” or “will this” make me happy, not what makes me happy…
Searching for happiness only brings disappointment, so I do what makes O’Jay-Maria happy.
• Appreciating life
I am encouraged daily to pray and speak with God, asking him for protection and thanking him for life. I beg for his guidance with the choices I choose to make.
We are not perfect because of sin, so I ask for his forgiveness.
Never forget what others have done for you, so pause and applause and I always remember to give back when I can.
• 24 hours locked away from the world or just losing myself
No phone calls
No internet
No friends
No family
No excuses
Laying there in my bed wishing things were different, mad with the world and wondering what if…
• Getting rid of negative energy and the things or people that will keep me back in life
I avoid people who I can’t have a civilized or realistic conversation with. There are times that I wonder why people live for today rather than plan for tomorrow. I have given up drinking and no longer buy things I don’t need.
• Ambition
I refuse to settle for less and I know my worth. There are no limits because I will accomplish it all and being the best at what I do. Quality is what I deliver and therefore, quality is what I want.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Why would you want to blame the Economy for the death of 2500 youths in the last four years and not deficient parents?
Keep in mind that this is just my view, how I feel about ‘Crime & Youths’.
Most deranged kids come from broken homes, where there is no guidance or an authority figure. So guess what, these kids don’t know any better regardless of the fact you send them to school or church. It’s like a Doctor telling a smoker he has lung cancer. Go Figure! He can only tell him to quit and prescribe meds, but when he goes back home where there is no one to say, ‘Stop You Will Die'! u know? just another statistic... So who is to blame?!
So you can tell them how to live, go to school, and pray. But what part do these deficient parents play when you have the drug dealer telling them how to make a quick buck or the village whore telling your daughters to walk with extra clothes in her bag to school? So many issues, so many... Helping with homework just covers a part in your child's life, because you have children who are getting A's and still wanting to hang themselves or taking drugs, you ever wondered why?.
Yeah, yeah, I heard it all before. ‘Mom OR Dad’ out working 3 jobs to put food on the table and clothes on your back. But think about it, if one of these deficient parents were around to help foot the bills, raise their kids, keeping them occupied with things to do at home or with the family. I mean, there are so many roles in a child’s life we need to play a part in that parents ignore and think society should play.
It’s the parents to blame when we make decisions of bringing a child into this world knowing they are not ready to have them, whether its financially, mentally or by choice knowing the father don’t want it. Ridiculous! Then we have these youths coming to poison the minds of my child while he walking home from school. B.S!!!
Take Responsibility for what you bring in this world. And we as responsible adults should help promote family planning. It’s a broken home that causes these children to act like Juveniles. So let’s not blame today’s economy for deaths of 2500 youths in the last 4 years people.
Don't look at extended families and think they are there to help, children still look to and for their parents to play a special role in their lives.
If you know things ruff, use a condom or buy birth controls. Tell a friend, talk to each other about it. We are ignoring the fact that the statistics for single parents rapidly grows each year, so don’t let your child become a next victim of foolishness.
This is what Natasha Sotilleo Vink had to say:
Yuh know if we're honest! we are all to blame! government included!! I grew up with my grandmother, my mom was nowhere to be found! my dad a hard working man, so financially we were well taken care of but it was granmum who nurtured and raised us. All of 5ft aprox 135lbs in her hay day!! needless to say a small woman! yet we (my brother and I totally understood that there was a big price to be paid for disobedience, she knew every teacher and would show up at school to chat with teachers about us, and when teachers see parents care you better bet they keep an extra eye on you!! she did spot checks in book bags, bedrooms and everywhere she felt necessary. Her friends in church kept an eye on us as well as every one of her 7 children, weather they lived in Trini or abroad!! We like all my other cousins understood that we had a responsibility to please God and family! weather we liked it or not!!
Being a parent is hard work and takes perseverance
Friday, September 11, 2009
Pink Ink Designs
Pink Ink Designs is in the process of creating samples to brand and give a fresh look for small new businesses or existing companies to get their name on the street and at the same time keeping it professional and welcoming. We will maintain a friendly creative work environment which respects diversity, ideas and consistently providing high customer satisfaction by rendering excellent service.
Our services include designing office stationary and standard letters for distribution whether it is for their employees, customers or invitations.
The timing is right for starting this new venture. More young people are learning the hustle and selling their services by word of mouth or exchanging emails. You have the contractors/electricians/plumbers that have their personal work and are recommended either by their customers or peers. To boil it down we need to know “who are you and are the services you provide?” And having the tools offered by Pink Ink Designs, we sure will get you the business instead of the usual drawn out questions you would normally get on a daily basis.
Business cards
Gift certificates
Compliment cards
Letter heads
Fax cover forms
Standard memos
TYPING Services...
Email signature
Standard invoices
Standard or Customized job letters
Reference letters
Commercial rental contracts
and more...
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Need a Topic
I'm looking for an interesting topic to take my stress and worries out on, so help a sister out and drop your ideas off. email me at
Friday, August 7, 2009
just having an open mind
Anonymous said...
"It is not so simple to say let us forget about our black roots because we need to remember where we have come from and compare it to where we are now. Thus all of our accomplishments must be celebrated so that we do not become ignorant and allow similar things to happen to us that happened centuries ago.
August 7, 2009 6:43 AM "
O'Jay-Maria said...
I am not asking you or anyone to let go or forget where we came from, but we need to move forward and stop crying over split milk.
How has the past affected you as a person today?
Today we make our own decisions, and it’s not based on who our Ancestors were and if our neighbors are racist. We forgive, endure and move on. As individuals, Black, White or Chinese, we should want the best for ourselves, our children and our children’s children…
“Being ignorant and allow similar things to happen”. (Sigh)… Have an open mind sweet heart. If we continue to better ourselves and move on, how can you ever see that happening again especially in times like this?
• Know your rights/Educate yourself
• Don’t be intimidated by others who think their better than you
• Read material that would help you to empower yourself and make a difference
August 7, 2009 10:59 AM
O'Jay-Maria said...
It’s our outlook on life that puts us in the position we are today. Society plays a role in our day to day lives, but it’s left up to us on where we want to go. Opportunities rain for us to be better people and we have choices to take full advantage or how I would like to put it, “run with it and shine” or not! -We can look at this in so many ways...
-Martin Luther King had a dream, and he just didn't sit on it.
-Oprah Winfrey, one woman who I highly respect because she works extremely hard and gives back. She is the most philanthropic African American of all time, and was once the world's only black billionaire. She is also, according to some assessments, the most influential woman in the world. (and its not because she is black that got this far).
*Let's look at Beyonce Knowles, do u think she sings and work so hard because she's black and to add, she has fans all over the world.
and then came - Barack Obama, he acknowledges where we came from, but continues to fight for all and not just people of color.
August 7, 2009 12:00 PM
Do you remember when the U.S. Senate approved the resolution apologizing for slavery?
Personally, I would have taken that as an insult. Why now? But then again I cant blame them. They are trying to tell us in a sarcastic yet diplomatic way that we are now "Liberated" from the day Barack Obama was sworn in as the first black President.
There is just so many reasoning behind this:
-they voted for him as well
-they are hoping now we will just be quiet about being black (bark less and swag more) it's for us to show them who's the bigger and better person and that's why I cant be bothered. I intend to be the best at what I do and pray for health and wisdom, life is to short...
Just keep in mind "Happiness keeps u sweet, and trails keep u strong"
Monday, August 3, 2009
People Change and make Changes. Therefore, Changes in life should not affect us when we are responsible for them
good read:
Victoria Rowel talks about new book, Career Change and Motherhood.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
I know I’m Black, so why are you reminding me!
I think most of us hope that “Black People” would get over the insecurities of the fact that we are black
My personality, my love for life and the love for myself blinds me of the fact that I am of African race. By O’Jay Maria Harris
When are we going to let it go?
Just let it go!
· Racism
· Black History
· Black Rappers
· Black Single Parents
Isn’t it a fact that white people are faced with the same struggles?
Isn’t it a fact that we party as hard as a white rock band?
Half of blacks and whites roots trace back in connection with each other.
There are so many other important issues we need to look at, especially when our young people are at risk, which will pose a threat to our “Black Youths”.
Please keep in mind that there are other racial groups being denied rights and benefits, so what is it that makes Black people so special when we speak about racism?
- Let’s educate them on AIDS & HIV
- Giving back to Society
- How Important Education is and what we can do to survive in this economy...
• Know your rights/Educate yourself
• Don’t be intimidated by others who think their better than you
• Read material that would help you to empower yourself and make a difference
I am not asking you or anyone to let go or forget where we came from, but we need to move forward and stop crying over split milk.
We need to look at this with an open mind and ask ourselves questions relating back to slavery and how does it affect you as a person today?
Let's admit and recognize the vast spread of technological and sophisticated advancement of the entire world civilization. There is no question that black people today are making a very positive name for themselves. With all the accomplishments, of which we can all be proud, “Black People” have come very, very far. But why is there still the focus that these accomplishments are being made by “our black people”? Why not just recognize John Black, as an individual, for his accomplishments or the difference he’s making in today’s world and the influence he has on our young people? Are we that insecure that we have to color the picture black?
Today we make our own decisions, and it’s not based on who our Ancestors were and if our neighbors are racist. We forgive, endure and move on. As individuals, Black, White or Chinese, we should want the best for ourselves, our children and our children’s children…
It’s our outlook on life that puts us in the position we are today. Society plays a role in our day to day lives, but it’s left up to us on where we want to go. Opportunities rain for us to be better people and we have choices to take full advantage or how I would like to put it, “run with it and shine” or not! -We can look at this in so many ways...
-Martin Luther King had a dream, and he just didn't sit on it.
-Oprah Winfrey, one woman who I highly respect because she works extremely hard and gives back. She is the most philanthropic African American of all time, and was once the world's only black billionaire. She is also, according to some assessments, the most influential woman in the world. (and its not because she is black that got this far).
and then came - Barack Obama, he acknowledges where we came from, but continues to fight for all and not just people of color.
Do you remember when the U.S. Senate approved the resolution apologizing for slavery?
Personally, I would have taken that as an insult. Why now? But then again I cant blame them. They are trying to tell us in a sarcastic yet diplomatic way that we are now "Liberated" from the day Barack Obama was sworn in as the first black President.
There is just so many reasoning behind this:
-they voted for him as well
-they are hoping now we will just be quiet about being black (bark less and swag more) it's for us to show them who's the bigger and better person and that's why I cant be bothered. I intend to be the best at what I do and pray for health and wisdom, life is to short...
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
just a thought
It’s our outlook on life that puts us in the position we are today. Society plays a role in our day to day lives, but it’s left up to us on where we want to go. Opportunities rain for us to be better people and we have choices to take full advantage or how I would like to put it, “run with it and shine” or not!
My Thoughts to Auron's comment on Common Sense...
Quoting myself, ““sense” is concomitant to “common” in our human lives as we grow with knowledge.”
But I like the point Auron brought up in the comment he made.
I want to look at it this way, wisdom is something that is shared from one person to another. “A person with common sense would seek advice from a wise person”, so to speak.
When we use the word common sense, it’s with expectation of someone, (e.g., you would expect John Doe to know better or don’t you have any common sense child!)
- · Cultural Differences
- · Cultural Identity
- · Nationality
- · Race
- · Gender
- · Human Nature
- · Social Background
- · Religious Belief
How would you categorize them under “common sense” and “wisdom”? Or which ones develop us [1]as individuals or in our human lives. So going back to my point, common sense is an expectation others have of us and wisdom is shared from ones experience. Here is an e.g, one can read a book, but not write a book. I leave you with food for thought.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Common Sense
The whole class was stunned by this statement and disagreeing with a puzzled look on their faces, but we allowed her to give us more insight. She said, from the time we were born up to this day, our parents would correct us to do what’s right”. So her point was we were not born with knowing what a right from what wrong is.
I think we were on this topic for at least an hour, everybody had their input.
“Whatever definition one uses, identifying particular items of knowledge as "common sense" becomes difficult. Philosophers may choose to avoid using the phrase when using precise language. But common sense remains a perennial topic in epistemology and many philosophers make wide use of the concept or at least refer to it. Some related concepts include intuitions, pre-theoretic belief, ordinary language, the frame problem, foundational beliefs, good sense, endoxa, and axioms”.
(Citation: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
After reading this, I can see why she said so…
I know I had to make sense out of this to argue my point. At the same time, I didn’t want to contradict myself if I was to refer it to “Instincts”, or broaden their (the Philosophers) outlook at another angle when it comes to “Common sense”.
Let’s look at the two meanings:
Common Sense, based on a strict construction of the term, consists of what people in common would agree on: that which they "sense" as their common natural understanding. Most people would consider prudent and of sound judgment, without reliance on esoteric knowledge or study or research, but based upon what they see as knowledge held by people "in common". Thus "common sense" (in this view) equates to the knowledge and experience which most people allegedly have, or which the person using the term believes that they do or should have.
(Citation: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
An instinct is the inborn behavior of a living organism that is not learned. Instincts are thought to occur as fixed action patterns. These fixed action patterns are unlearned and inherited.
(Citation: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
This is such a broad topic to a point where I am trying to argue whether or not we should use the word “Common sense” and have them incorporate under the word “Instinct”… hmmm, where do I start?
Let’s start by extracting their views on why common-sense should not be used or why and when they choose to use it.
Sense in the human understanding exists that sees commonality and does the combining
Human understanding/Human Intuition/Human Instincts: all are mental functions that our senses use, however you want to twist it and turn it.
Commonality: the sharing of common attributes or as the old English sayings, “do as the Romans do”.
Now let’s dissect this.
Human Nature, when you think of this, what comes to mind? Human Nature! Something that we are all born with/instincts, which puts us back to a conscious state of mind to feel and act the way all normal human beings have in common.
This is really a broad topic, but so far we see that all the Human understanding/Human Intuition/Human Instincts and “sense” is concomitant to “common” in our human lives as we grow with knowledge.
Making a way through it all…
With every candle that’s lit
I'm burning a memory of what we shared in the dark
Shining a light where needed in my life
Starting a new path without turning around
P.S I Love you
"Let’s enjoy the beauty of aging gracefully that is if we're growing old together pleasingly"
(Inspired by V. Swift)
We all have the potential of doing something great, something beyond our reach that can be achieved…
O’Jay-Maria Harris
Bertram Peters
Apartments 4 Rent
Baby On Board - Drop off Sitter Services
Baby On Board - Drop off Sitter Services
Golden Apple Drive I Paynters I 268 561 4560 or 268 724 5538
We provide a full sitting service to children of all ages in a safe and friendly environment.
We also Prepare Meals, provide Homework Assistance and even School/ Clubs Pick Up.
We have a basic hourly rate, however half day and full day bookings are also available.
Our babysitters have experience working with children of all ages and abilities.
If you know someone who needs a Babysitting Service, why not buy them a Gift Voucher for the amount of your choice.
Overnight stay and Weekend stay is also available.
Call us today for more information
268 561 4560 or 268 724 5538
Download The Caribbean Girl Riddim feat.
Download 'The Caribbean Girl Riddim'...
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Love is
Marketing A Sports Club
Baby On Board…
I was selling and delivering wipes and pampers all over ANU, it was the best thing I ever did with my life, now the power started, I wanted more…
Laying down and sharing my life with a good friend, he turned and said “With Power, Education is the Foundation!”
And that stayed with me for months and I told my self, “ I have accomplished this much before the age of 25 yrs, I could now take the back seat and go back to school cause I want that POWER! INDEPENCE! WALKING WITH MY HEAD UP FOR ALL THE RIGHT REASONS…
In all that, I want to be happy, straight smiles...
My Favorite Quotes
"Don't take no for and answer"...."Whatever we expect with confidence becomes our own self-fulfilling prophecy" –
"Today's dreams, Yesterdays regret is Tomorrows opportunity"...
"Becoming Real about Love, Work and My Body"...
A breakup is like a broken mirror...
You are better off leaving it broken rather than hurting yourself trying to fix it.
My Life - My Way...
'My Life' was is still about partying, dating and calling my own shots. Then I lost my power of confidence, and all I had was a pretty face and a regular 8-4 job. I wanted more and I deserved more! I love the social events and nightlife. When I drink, I become the Flirtatious Butterfly. You would think I'm a natural.
Throughout life, I also learnt that falling in love is great and the break ups are even greater, it made me stronger. Loosing best friends helped me to appreciate the new ones. My greatest joy now is myself. I love me for who I am and what I do. I have been there, done that and now sharing my life experiences with that world...
Oh yes, I'm back to Ms. Confident and Ms. Independent! I have accomplished a lot and still moving forward. I tell people every day, its being content with yourself that counts, but only if you’re progressing in life. "Just balance life". At this moment my plate is full and I’m limited, so it's hard just trying to balance it.
I have Miguel R. Donawa and Noel T. Ramdass to thank, they have inspired me and still continue to do that. Thank you!
There are just some people in life you have to cherish and remember.